Hearing Loops Installers - Induction Audio Systems - Hearing Aid & Cochlear Implant Assistance - Counter Loops - IR Systems - RF Systems and other Hearing Assistive Solutions!
Examples of venues that could be upgraded with various Assistive Hearing Solutions such as Auditoriums, Churches, Courthouses, Libraries, Meeting Rooms, Schools, Theaters, Universities, etc.
What is a hearing loop?
Video created by OTOjOY
Click the link above to experience the benefits of what a hearing loop does for people with hearing loss. For more resources on hearing loops click "Learn More" below.
What you don't know about hearing aids | Juliëtte Sterkens | TEDxOshkosh
A terrific video about hearing aids and the benefits of hearing loops. Juliette Sterkens is also a huge supporter of "Get in the Hearing Loop." Click "Learn More" below.
Certified to meet international code for effective hearing loop coverage (IEC 60118-4)
For more information of what this means please click link below
We are a huge fan of Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)!
- Dan Brooks, owner & CEO of Pro Hearing Loops, not only has hearing loss himself, he also shares the passion and missions of HLAA, HLAA New York State Association and HLAA Rochester Chapter in helping people with hearing loss. There is no need to face hearing loss alone and there are so many options available to reduce the communication barriers for people with hearing loss. Get involved with your local HLAA Chapter or HLAA State Association today! Click image below and you will be directed to Dan’s “Home” HLAA Chapter in Rochester, NY!

Pro Hearing Loops, LLC is a dealer of Contacta
Contacta has a wide range of products to meet your hearing solution needs. Click here to learn more.